In line with its social mission to promote Public Health and improve health awareness among the community, the Faculty of Public Health at the Lebanese German University held in February a seminar entitled “L’épidémiologie au Coeur de la Santé Publique”. The faculty had the pleasure to invite Pr. Francis Guillemin, Director of the Faculty of Medicine and Head of Epidemiology Department at Lorraine University to share his rich experience in the field with LGU master candidates.

This seminar allowed participants to perform and evaluate experimental and observational epidemiological studies and provided them with the necessary skills to make decisions based on better understanding of diseases, causal relationships, and risk factors. Dr. Michèle Chahoud, Professor at the Lebanese University, was assisting Pr. Guillemin and made an overall assessment of the current epidemiological situation in Lebanon, while Mrs. Nadine Haddad, from the Epidemiological Surveillance Program at the Ministry of Public Health, explained how primary health care centers and hospitals communicate with the Ministry regarding new epidemiology cases and how to track them and make statistical reports in order to raise awareness among community members. The participants have actively taken part in the workshops and case studies and were praised for their eagerness and interest.