LGU’s financial aid program has grown to its present level of over 1 million US dollars annually, through the generous support of the Lebanese German Association for the Promotion of Culture and some private institutions and individuals.

It is the philosophy of LGU not to deny students the opportunity of furthering their university education because of limited financial resources. Therefore, it has established a Student Financial Aid Program to provide qualified students with financial aid, regardless of color, race, gender, religion, nationality, or political affiliation.

Students can benefit from LGU Financial Aid Program if they have siblings registered at University, are members of LGU sports teams, have a particular family or personal condition, are members of the Lebanese military corps, have a high GPA, or have presented an application for any other reason.

To apply for a need-based financial aid, excellence scholarship, or work-study grant, applicants should fill the Financial Aid Application within the set deadline on the academic calendar.