The Faculty of Public Health, in collaboration with IYAMED Pharmaceuticals, organized a conference entitled «Iron Deficiency and Vitamin D » on January 14, 2014. The conference featured Dr. Paul Makhlouf, Dean of the Faculty of Public Health, and Dr. Romel Zind, cardiologist and assistant professor at LGU, and was attended by a host of doctors from HNDL in addition to instructors and students. Dr. Makhlouf spoke about the causes of iron deficiency mainly those relating to heavy blood loss, ulcers, some types of cancer or a malign tumor. He added that the deficiency could simply be related to nutrition that is poor in iron or to a failure to take iron supplement, especially by pregnant women or teenagers with growth spurts.

In turn, Dr. Zind spoke about the importance of vitamin D that is fat soluble, synthesized in the body from a cholesterol derivative due to UVB exposure. He explained that its importance lies in the role it plays in enhancing the absorption of calcium and phosphate by the intestines and their re-absorption by the kidneys. He identified its two main compounds as vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 mostly found in fish and liver oil as well as fortified foods such as milk, butter, and cheese. Thus, a deficiency in vitamin D would lead to muscle aches and weakening of the bones called osteomalacia in adults and rickets in children breast and colon cancers, prostate cancer, and some cardiovascular trouble. In contrast, an excessive amount of vitamin D could lead to hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. .