• Wed

    In line with its non academic activities undertaken throughout the year and for the fifth year running, the Lebanese German University organized its 2012 Christmas event at LGU Campus on December 19, 2012. Over 115 children aged 5 to 10 were invited to celebrate the occasion. The children came from three regional boarding schools to take part in the different activities prepared for them by the administrative staff and LGU students. (read more)

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    On December 17th and 18th, 2012 the Nutrition and Dietetics Department organized a Christmas Delights Day. Students from the Department prepared various desserts and cookies to serve to students, staff, and instructors with full explanation on the ingredients and their benefits to the organism as well as their calorie value. A power point displayed facts and figures relating to those healthy desserts and the way to prepare them. (photos attached)
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    For the third year running, LGU held its inter-faculty table tennis Christmas tournament from 10 to 20 December, 2012. Thirty six students from both sexes competed against each other in good spirits to be among the finalists. In the final game, Jennifer Karam won over Aline Mouawad (3 – 0) and Ibrahim Azar beat Kamal Nakad (3 – 0). Finalists were congratulated by classmates and administration and awarded medals and cups by Mrs. Adaimi, Vice-President for Administration and Finance. (photos attached)
  • Thu

    The Nutrition and Dietetics Department at the Faculty of Public Health organized a seminar entitled “Metabolic Diseases and Nutritional Therapy” on December 6, 2012. The seminar involved talks on diabetes, obesity surgical treatment, and renal diseases. It was attended by students from the Faculty of Public Health and a host of guests in the medical field from Haroun Hospital, St Georges Hospital, RHUH, Jeatawi Hospital, the Military Hospital, Hôpital Notre Dame du Liban, St Louis Hospital, Sacré Coeur Hospital, Lebanese Canadian Hospital, Bouar Governmental Hospital, the Ministry of Economy and Trade, Reyak Hospital, St Joseph Hospital, and Sarafand Hospital.

    The seminar started with an opening word by Dr. Paul Makhlouf, Dean of the Faculty of Public Health, who welcomed the guest speakers and the audience stressing the importance of nutrition in the promotion of good health and the prevention of diseases.

    Dr. Ayman Harake, reputable bariatric surgeon, spoke about the surgical treatment of obesity explaining the various types of surgeries that could be performed on obese patients depending on their individual medical record and condition. They include gastric bypass, gastric sleeve… He also brought up the potential consequences and hazards of every type of surgery.

    Dr. Elizabeth Abou Jawde, endocrinologist and university instructor, discussed the various types and causes of diabetes and the medical care provided to patients, including the prescription of various types of medication and the implementation of insulin therapy, its types, doses, and peak action time.

    The attendees were then invited to take a short break sponsored by Virginias, the leader in sugar-free products.

    Mrs. Murielle Abou Samra, Head Dietician at Middle East Institute of Health, spoke about nutrition and care procedures provided to diabetic patients, including types of food to include or exclude from the patient’s diet and how to prevent complications relating to diabetes.

    Dr. Nadine Bassil, nephrologist, followed with some explanations concerning renal disease, its types, complications, hemodialysis, and peritoneal dialysis.

    Mrs. Bou Samra ended the seminar explaining what medical nutritional therapy renal patients should follow, stressing the types of food to include and those to avoid during end-stage renal disease, hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis as well as renal transplant.

    Throughout the seminar, the audience and guests asked questions relating to the topics discussed, to which the guest speakers gave elaborate answers. The seminar ended with a cocktail. (photos attached)

  • Sun
    In line with its endeavors to encourage sports, fitness, and team spirit, LGU was one of 16 universities participating in Beirut Marathon on November 11, 2012. LGU was running for Organ Donation and Transplant Association with its fifteen students who ran the 10-kilometer distance despite the stormy weather. Ten other students volunteered to help organize the marathon while others manned a cheering station that encouraged the runners throughout the race. At the end of the race, LGU administration and students expressed their readiness to be part of similar activities that would boost a cooperative spirit among the Lebanese youths of our community. (photos attached)
  • Mon
    On November 5 and 6, 2012, the Nutrition and Dietetics Department – Faculty of Public Health organized a vitamin C day. Students from the Department prepared healthy meals and deserts that were served to students, staff, and instructors with full explanation on the ingredients content of vitamin C and its benefits to the organism. A power point displayed facts and figures relating to healthy meals containing vitamin C and details on how to consume fruit and vegetables rich in vitamin C. (attached photos)
  • Fri
    For the fourth consecutive year, the Lebanese German University celebrated its traditional Oktoberfest on Friday 5th, October, 2012 at its campus in Sahel Alma. Guests of various ages and nationalities as well as beer lovers were present to enjoy the event. Various activities took place in a festive atmosphere. “Jack and the band” played various types of music and songs all night long. Traditional German dishes and beer were served to guests and many valuable prizes were given away. (photos attached)
  • Wed
    La Lebanese German University – LGU a célébré sa première cérémonie de remise de diplômes, promotion 2012 portant le nom du Président Michel Suleiman, le 25 juillet 2012 à Eddé Sands à Jbeil. Les 140 étudiants réunis pour l’occasion sont des diplômés de la Faculté de Gestion, la Faculté de Santé Publique et la Faculté de l’Education et des Arts.
    La cérémonie, qui s’est déroulée dans un cadre somptueux, a eu lieu en présence du représentant du Président Michel Suleiman, Dr. Fadi Yarak, Directeur Général du Ministère de l’Education ; le représentant du Patriarche Mar Béchara Boutros Al-Rahi, Monseigneur Paul Rouhana, Évêque du Vicariat Patriarcal de Sarba ; l’Ambassadrice d’Allemagne au Liban, Mme Brigitte Siefker-Eberle ; l’attaché culturel à l’Ambassade d’Allemagne, M. Sebastien Damm ; le représentant du Ministre de l’information M. Walid Al-Daouk, Maître Nabil Makhlouf; M. Sejaan Azzi, Vice-Président du parti Kataeb ; le représentant du Général Michel Aoun, M. Gabi Abboud, responsable du Courant Patriotique Libre à Jbeil ; le représentant du Dr. Samir Geagea, M. Samir Yazbek, responsable des affaires estudiantines des Forces Libanaises ; le représentant du Directeur Général des Forces de Sécurité Intérieure, Général Ashraf Rifi, Colonel François Rechwane ; M. Neemat Frem, Président de l’Association des Industriels Libanais ; ex-députés M. Mansour El-Bon et Dr. Salah Honein ; M. Fouad Makhzoumi, chef du parti du Dialogue National ; M. Elias Assouad, Président de l’Association Libano-Allemande des Affaires ; M. Ghassan Daou, Président des Caisses Mutuelles au Liban ainsi que plusieurs personnalités politiques, religieuses, économiques et industrielles de même que les doyens des facultés, les chefs des départements, le corps administratif et les parents des étudiants.
    Suite à l’hymne national libanais, le responsable des relations publiques, M. Antoine Mhawej a souhaité la bienvenue aux invités et aux nouveaux diplômés une vie professionnelle prospère. Le Président de la LGU a pris ensuite la parole félicitant les responsables académiques et le corps administratif pour les efforts qui ont favorisé la réussite des étudiants. Il s’est adressé aussi aux jeunes diplômés leur souhaitant une nouvelle vie active fondée sur les valeurs et pleine de réussites, rappelant l’audience qu’une grande partie des diplômés avaient déjà trouvé de l’emploi dans leurs domaines de spécialisation même avant l’achèvement de leurs études.
    Par ailleurs, Dr. Fawzi Adaimi, Président du Conseil des Régents de la LGU, a rappelé les invités des multiples projets exécutés par l’Association Libano-Allemande pour la Promotion de la Culture, notamment l’établissement de la LGU en 2008. Il a aussi évoqué les différents accords de coopération établis entre la LGU et des grandes universités et instituts en Allemagne, France et Angleterre.
    A son tour, M. Neemat Frem a salué les efforts du Président Sleiman qui visent à promouvoir l’unité de tous les libanais. Il a souligné l’importance des jeunes à s’attacher à leur identité nationale et à être fier de leur appartenance afin de mieux servir leur pays dans son parcours vers le progrès et la prospérité.
    Sous les ovations de l’audience, les étudiants ont ensuite défilé pour la remise des diplômes par les doyens respectifs des facultés. L’étudiante Dalia Kayyal a prononcé un discours au nom des nouveaux diplômés suivi par le serment d’usage prononcé par l’étudiante Layale Sawma à l’égard des diplômés en soins infirmiers et en physiothérapie.
    Dr. Fawzi Adaimi a remis un blason d’appréciation au Président Suleiman, reçu par son représentant Dr. Fadi Yarak, et la soirée fût clôturée par les feux d’artifices et un grand diner de gala. (photos attached)
  • Thu

    Sous le patronage du Ministre de la Santé Publique, M. Ali Hassan Khalil, représenté par Dr. Michel Kfoury, Responsable de la Santé au Mont Liban, la Lebanese German University – LGU a inauguré une Unité de Podologie et de Physiothérapie au sein de son Campus à Sahel Alma le 28 juin 2012.

    La cérémonie a débuté par une allocution d’ouverture prononcée par Dr. Paul Makhlouf, Doyen de la Faculté de Santé Publique, qui a souhaité la bienvenue à toutes les personnalités et invités présents en évoquant l’utilité d’une telle unité aux patients souffrant de pathologies des pieds et du dos, des pathologies neuro-vasculaires ou de maladies affectant l’appareil locomoteur.

    Suite à cette allocution, Dr. Fawzi Adaimi, Président du Conseil des Régents, pris la parole pour rappeler que ce projet a été envisagé suite au lancement du programme de Master Professionnel en Podologie à la Faculté de Santé Publique en collaboration avec l’Ecole de Podologie de Marseille. Il ajouta que la LGU vise, à travers cette unité de soins, à faire profiter toute la communauté libanaise des consultations en podologie et d’un traitement physio-thérapeutique à prix réduit.

    A son tour, M. Jean-Paul Weber, Directeur et Fondateur de l’Ecole de Podologie de Marseille, a mis l’accent sur l’importance de la collaboration étroite entre la LGU et l’Ecole de Podologie de Marseille qui assiste la LGU à développer son programme de Master en Podologie en favorisant l’apprentissage pratique autant que l’acquisition théorique auprès de ses étudiants et l’échange de professeurs chercheurs.

    Dr. Michel Kfoury, représentant le Ministre de la Santé Publique, M. Hassan Ali Khalil, a clôturé les allocutions en évoquant le progrès réalisé par la LGU au cours de ses quatre dernières années suite aux multiples accords de coopération établis avec des universités de grande renommée en Europe, notamment en France et en Allemagne, qui permettent l’échange de professeurs et le développement des programmes académiques.

    Etaient présents à cette cérémonie M. Nabil Makhlouf, représentant M.Walid El Daouk, Ministre de l’Information ; Colonel Milad El Neghaoui, représentant Général Edmond Fadel, Directeur des Services de Renseignements; Colonel Camille Farah, représentant Général Achraf Rifi, Directeur Général des Forces de Sécurité Intérieure ; M. Sébastien Damm, Premier Secrétaire à l’Ambassade d’Allemagne et représentant de l’Ambassadrice de l’Allemagne au Liban ; M. Sleiman Haroun, Président du Syndicat des Hôpitaux ; Mme Claude Maroun, Présidente de l’Ordre des Physiothérapeutes au Liban ; les membres du Conseil des Régents de la LGU ; Mme Badiah Abillamah, Présidente de la Croix Rouge à Jounieh ; des médecins et directeurs des écoles ; Dr. Marwan El Rassi, Président de la LGU ; Dr. Fouad Choueifaty, Vice-Président des Affaires Académiques; LGU Campus Lions Club et les enseignants et employés de la LGU.

    La LGU tient à rappeler qu’à travers l’établissement de cette unité elle espère renforcer l’esprit de soutien et de solidarité entre différents constituants de la société. Elle aspire aussi à contribuer au bien-être de la communauté tout en favorisant l’accès à un conseil médical spécialisé. Elle précise que les consultations dans cette nouvelle unité seront effectuées, moyennant une participation symbolique, auprès des enfants, adultes, sportifs et des patients diabétiques souffrant de pathologies neuro-vasculaires ou de maladies affectant l’appareil locomoteur.

    Pour plus d’informations les patients sont priés de contacter l’Université. (photos attached)

  • Wed

    The Lebanese German University – LGU, in collaboration with Universal Lions Club, Jbeil, organized its Charter Night on May 23, 2012, at LGU Campus in Sahel Alma.

    Unprecedented in Lebanon and the Middle East, the concept of a campus club has relied on the rewarding efforts of students, administration, and instructors, working in full harmony to lay the foundations of such a successful structure.

    Vice District Governor, Wajih Akkary, started up the ceremony welcoming new members and Lions figures and reminding the audience of the values of the Club in all the activities and events it undertakes. Past District Governor, Gaby Gebrayel, read out the Acceptance Speech that confirms the adherence of the new members. This was followed by the Presentation of the Charter and distribution of member pins by District Governor, Wafa Khoury, ending up in the traditional taking of candid photos of new members and Lions figures.

    A power point presentation reviewed the activities which the Campus Club has been involved in since the start of the academic year, such as the traditional Oktoberfest, campaigning for Jeita Grotto, the organization of Christmas event and the decoration of LGU campus, donating an LCD TV to LGU campus, the organization of Sunshine Day and a seminar on cervical cancer in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health and Notre Dame du Liban Hospital.

    The new president of LGU Lions Campus Club, Nicolas Chami, made a short speech expressing the total dedication of all new members to the cause of the Club and to social service. The ceremony ended with a cocktail. (photos attached)

  • Wed
    LGU hosted the Ranger Regiment of the Lebanese Army for a show of extreme audacity that took place on March 21st on its Campus. Prior to the show, the Vice President for Academic Affairs delivered a short speech welcoming the young rangers and the accompanying officers before handing in a blazon to the representative of the Regiment Commander. Then the officers in charge ran a movie that briefed the audience on the Regiment history, its engagement, and its various activities. The show proceeded in the presence of students, faculty members, and administrative staff who crowded the balconies and green spaces to joyfully cheer rounds of martial arts display, rappelling, and spectacular rope free falls as the young recruits jumped daringly into the air performing their audacious feats. (photos attached)
  • Thu

    La Lebanese German University – LGU, sous le patronage du Ministère du Tourisme, a organisé un concours de beauté pour élire Miss LGU 2012. L’évènement, qui a eu lieu le jeudi 15 mars, 2012, au campus de l’université à Sahel Alma, a accueilli, outre les personnalités culturelles et politiques, un grand nombre d’invités, les familles des jeunes candidates, des étudiants et le personnel académique et administratif de la LGU.

    L’évènement a été inauguré par vice-présidente des affaires administratives à la LGU, qui a souhaité la bonne chance aux jeunes participantes en remerciant tous ceux qui ont contribué à la réussite des préparatifs. Huit jeunes candidates, nommées par les différentes facultés, ont défilé devant un jury composé de sept membres dont: Dr. Marwan El-Rassi, Président de la LGU; Dr. Antoine Issa El-Khoury, délégué du Ministère du Tourisme; Sana Nasr, journaliste-présentatrice; Maria Farah, Miss Immigrants 2011; Eliane Choueiry, experte en relooking et styliste; Dr. Ibrahim El-Ashkar, chirurgien esthétique; et Toni Tannous, expert maquilleur.

    Les huit candidates avaient été prises en charge par Louis Abou Anni durant deux semaines de préparations rigoureuses. Suite au déroulement des différentes étapes, le jury a nommé Marie Fattal, étudiante au Département des Sciences Infirmières, Miss LGU 2012 et Christelle Haroun et Andromaque Eid, étudiantes au Département de Nutrition, 1ère et 2ème dauphines. Les jeunes participantes ont été offertes des cadeaux de valeur de la LGU et de plusieurs établissements touristiques et commerciaux. La jeune gagnante a reçu les félicitations des membres du jury qui lui ont aussi exprimé leurs meilleurs souhaits pour sa participation à Miss Lebanon 2012.

    L’évènement a été animé par la Zaffat Phoenix et le chanteur Nader El Atat et clôturé par un vin d’honneur dans une ambiance très festive. (photos attached)

  • Fri
    LGU recently ended its schools sports activities for 2011-2012 with the closing game taking place on March 9th at Ghazir Club. Twenty-one schools had taken part in the basketball and mini-football games that were played in a team spirit by all participants. The final results announced the winning of Saint Joseph Aintoura in mini football over Lycée de Ville and Adma International schools, while Collège Central ranked first in basketball outdoing the two other finalists: Notre Dame de Loueize and Lycée Français. Prizes were handed in to all winning teams by LGU Vice President for Administrative Affairs, who expressed LGU’s readiness to further its collaboration in other similar events in order to spread a feeling of friendliness and teamwork among the young generation. (photos attached)
  • Sun

    The Lebanese German University – LGU recently organized a schools sports event, mainly in basketball and mini-foot, which has been held in Ghazir Club throughout the past two months. Twenty-one schools took part in the event that promoted a team spirit among all the participants. Among the participating schools were:

    • Collège Central (Jounieh)
    • Lycée Libano-Allemand
    • Saint Joseph Aintoura
    • International School
    • Lycée Franco-Libanais
    • Ecole de la Charité Dar El-Nour
    • Lycée de Ville
    • Saint Elie Mina
    • Collège des Saints Cœurs
    • Saint Jean (Okaybe)
    • Notre Dame de Louaizé
    • Adma International School
    • Collège des Frères Maristes Champville
    • Charité St. Joseph
    • Sabis International School (Adma)
    • Antonines Sisters School (Ghazir)
    • Collège des Frères Capucins (Batroun)
    • Sainte Rita (Ghadir)
    • Saint Michel (Zouk)
    • Collège National Orthodox

    LGU expresses its readiness to further its collaboration in other similar events that spread a feeling of friendliness and teamwork among the young generation. (photos attached)

  • Fri

    Dr. Jan Dommerholt, President of Myopain Seminars, assisted by LGU Alumni Nabil Zoghbi and Wissam Nicolas taught the DN-3 course at the Lebanese German University, LGU Jounieh, Lebanon. The course was organized by Edufit-Leb. Ten students passed the final examinations to become the first CMTPT/DN clinicians in Lebanon!
    LGU, in collaboration with EduFit-Leb continue to deliver high quality international education courses despite the difficult economic situation on Lebanon.
    We wish LGU and EduFit-Leb the best of luck in their mission.

  • Mon

    Biomedical Technologies Department Achievement

    Another achievement for LGU’s Biomedical Technologies Department. Congratulations to Joseph KHATTAR and Carla ZEINE for having their paper “Implementation of a Monitoring System that Notifies Healthcare Providers of a Sudden Medical Emergency Occurring to a Driver” accepted in a book entitled “Vital Signs: an Overview”. The book is edited by Dr. Roy ABI ZEID DAOU, Head of the Biomedical Technologies Department at LGU, and Professor Josef BOERCSOK, Chairperson of the Computer Architecture and System Programming Department at Kassel University. The book is published by Nova Science Publishers.



    • Mon

      Visit of Professor Dr. Michel Landry to LGU As An Expert in The DPT Field

As we are aiming for excellence in teaching at the Doctor of Physical Therapy program (DPT), LGU was honored to host another renowned expert in the field, Doctor Michel Landry.
Dr. Michel D. Landry is a Professor in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery and in Duke Global Health Institute (DGHI) at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina (USA). Prior to his current position, Dr. Landry spent seven years as Division Chief of the Duke Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Division where he successfully implemented an upgrade of the program that has now grown into one of the top physical therapy programs in the United States. Prior to receiving his doctoral degree, he held clinical and senior management positions within the private rehabilitation sector in Ontario (Canada), and within international humanitarian aid and development agencies. Dr. Landry is a health policy and services researcher, and his area of study is the policy implications of the gap between available supply (financial and human resources) and increasing demand for rehabilitation and health services across the continuum of care. He is a Past-President of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association and a former Career Scientist at the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC). He lectures widely on policy and the political dynamics of rehabilitation, implications on people with disabilities, and is a provocative advocate for the moral, ethical, and economic necessity to ensure accessible and affordable rehabilitation services across the continuum of high, middle, and low-income countries. Dr. Landry is currently completing his Executive Master’s of Business Administration (MBA) at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, where he is also participating in the Health Sector Management Certificate (HSM).

  • Wed

    New Approaches in The Tele-Rehabilitation With Dr. Helene Corriveau & LGU

    The Physical Therapy Department wishes to thank Dr. Helene Corriveau for sharing during the past few days, her extensive academic and active experience in research, and her pioneering new approaches in physical therapy especially in tele-rehabilitation with our DPT candidates. Her enormous efforts were highly appreciated by the staff and candidates.

  • Mon

    Visit of the Canadian Professor Dr. Helene Corriveau to Participate in the DPT Curriculum as a Visitor

    The Lebanese German University – LGU is pleased to host Canadian Professor Hélène Corriveau for her participation in the Doctorate Physical Therapy (DPT) curriculum as a visitor.
    Dr. Corriveau is a full-time professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences in the University of Sherbrook. She holds a Master’s degree in Physical Therapy from the University of Montreal and a PhD from the University of Sherbrook. She has been working in research at the Center of Research for Aging (CSSS-IUGS) since 2001.
    During her extensive academic career, Professor Corriveau received numerous distinctions and awards, mainly the Distinction Award for Best Teaching in 2011.
    She published many scholarly articles on geriatrics and gerontology, rehabilitation of stroke patients, balance, fall prevention, postural stability, functional and strength training and telerehabilitation, to name a few.
    We wish her and all DPT candidates the best.